Projects & Organizations

Projects and organizations I was (and I’m) involved in ….

CESNET is an association of universities of the Czech Republic and the Czech Academy of Sciences. It operates and develops the national e-infrastructure for science, research and education which encompasses a computer network, computational grids, data storage and collaborative environment. It offers a rich set of services to connected organisations.

I’m serving as managing director of CESNET since its origin as a project from 1992.

NIX.CZ is a Czech peering center. Founded in Prague in 1996, provides interconnection platform for ISPs and telco operators.
NIX.CZ now operates in Prague, Czech Republic nad Bratislava, Slovakia.

I was elected in 1996 as first chairman and served on this position six years.

CZ.NIC is not for profit, multi stakeholder institution that manages ccTLD domain, running registry for multiple registrations. After years in academic a private hands, CZ.NIC took registry operations in 1998. 

I helped CZ.NIC to be born in 1998, before first board was elected.

EBONE was a project targetted to create pan-European IP network. Later became organization and a few years later was sold to GTS during main network consolidation on the European Internet market.

I served in EBONE as member of the Board of Directors from 1996 till 1999.

Central and Eastern European Networking Association (CEENet) was an association of national organizations which focus on the academic, research and educational networking. CEENet was concluded in the time when Internet infrastructures in Central and Eastern Europe entered mature era.

My role at CEENET – I was Chairman of the Board from 1998 till 2003

DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe) planned, built and operated pan-European networks for research and education. It was owned by European NRENs, and worked in partnership with them and in cooperation with the European Commission. DANTE was transformed into GÉANT Association in 2014.

In the period of 2003 to 2009 I was member of Board of Directors of DANTE